Patient Information

Pre-Surgery Reminders

Remember to not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before surgery if your procedure requires anesthesia, unless directed by your physician.

  • Inform us of any illness prior to surgery.

  • Bring a current list of medications.

  • Wear comfortable clothing the day of surgery.


We offer options to decrease our patient’s pain and anxiety to help you feel comfortable and relaxed during your procedure. The method of anesthesia that is chosen for or by a patient, depends on the nature of the procedure and the patient’s level of pain and apprehension.

 At NPI Surgery Center, we offer options to decrease our patient’s pain and anxiety to help you feel comfortable and relaxed during your procedure. The method of anesthesia that is chosen for or by a patient, depends on the nature of the procedure and the patient’s level of pain and apprehension.

Local Anesthesia:

Local anesthetic allows you to remain awake during the procedure. A numbing agent (such as lidocaine) is injected in and around the procedure site to optimize comfort. You remain totally conscious throughout the short duration of the procedure. A nurse will be present to monitor you during your procedure.

Minimal Sedation (Anxiolysis): 

Valium is a medication commonly administered orally prior to a procedure to achieve anxiolysis. The primary goal of this medication is to reduce anxiety. This does not help with discomfort; it is a means of decreasing procedural anxiety. Local anesthesia is utilized for discomfort.

IV Sedation/Conscious Sedation:

Conscious Sedation is delivered through an IV during your procedure to keep you comfortable and calm. A trained provider will administer medication to achieve desired effects of IV sedation. This allows for optimal comfort and sedation during the procedure. We cannot guarantee that you won’t remember anything during the procedure, but this significantly reduces discomfort and anxiety. This is the highest level of anesthesia other than general anesthesia which has significantly more risks and is only offered for larger, more invasive surgeries.

Questions about your surgery?

If you have a surgery scheduled and still have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 531-249-5353 or email

Preparing for Surgery


You will receive a call from 531-249-5353 to set your surgery Date & Time.

You will be given a time of arrival 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to your scheduled surgery time.

To help your surgery go as planned, a nurse will call you within 1 week prior to surgery.The following topics will be discussed when you speak with the nurse. Please have information relevant to your health history and medications available. Medical/Surgical History

Medications & Allergies to Medications

When to stop blood thinners

Medications that need to be taken with a sip of water the day of surgery.

When to stop eating an drinking prior to surgery

Arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after your surgery. If you receive anesthesia, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home.
